

Computers as a communication technology.
February 17, 2023

As teachers, we know that communication with students and their families is crucial to their success in school, so we need to communicate as often as possible, in accordance with the district’s policies. However, it can be difficult to communicate with parents that you might not see every day or with students whose heads are always looking down toward their phones. In the digital era in which we live, communication is simpler and easier than ever before, and it can actually encourage all students to participate in discussions during class because it is not as intimidating.

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Bridging the Digital Divide in Education in 2024, Part 2: The Digital Design Divide

As we continue our exploration into the digital divides highlighted in the US Department of Education’s 2024 National Educational Technology …

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Secure Our Schools. Support H.R. 7357

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Bridging the Digital Divide in Education in 2024, Part 1: The Digital Use Divide

If you’ve been involved with educational technology, you’re likely no stranger to the term “digital divide.” The concept of equitable …

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Grammar Apps for Kids and Elementary School Students

Top 10 Grammar Apps for Kids and Elementary School Students

The use of educational apps has become a common practice in today’s classrooms. To help facilitate your students’ grammar development, …


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