

Bunch of papers with a No signage, no more flashcards concept.
February 17, 2023

Do you want your classroom to go paperless? Have you ever wanted to create any of the following for your class?

  • Flashcards
  • Jeopardy game
  • Scavenger Hunt
  • Timeline
  • Crossword Puzzle/Word Search
  • Bingo

Flippity is a Google Sheets add-on that can do those things and so much more. It’s easy to use, and completely free! It’s also a great way to help your students create these activities themselves.

For instructions on using Flippity to create interactive technology games, check out the full E-tip by clicking “Download”

BONUS: Check out Kevin’s German language Flippity flashcards that will read the words to the user – with a German accent!



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