

Idea concept with businessman looking at illuminated lightbulb sketches on chalkboard background
February 17, 2023

“Education is the movement from darkness to light” ~ Allan Bloom

The lightbulb. The “aha”.  Whatever you call it, it’s the gratifying moment of understanding the information being presented.  It’s bright. It’s rewarding. It’s happening all around you.

Empower your teachers to turn on the lightbulb.  With the obsession of digital devices and the challenge of teaching overstimulated children, teachers are often the ones left in the dark.  It’s time for educators to revolutionize the way they teach.  Bring teachers into the light with S3 Technologies. With our help, your teachers will feel more comfortable leading their students in the 21st-century classroom. We can train your educators to integrate technology like response/clicker systems; interactive whiteboards; and state-of-the-art sound and audio systems into their daily curriculum. Bring your challenges and we’ll work out the solutions together.

Tight budget? No problem, let’s prioritize technology to fit within your budget.  We will audit your buildings and offer suggestions to upgrade or more effectively use your existing technologies. Once the technology is in place, make sure it’s put to good use by training your teachers and staff through online and onsite training and Q&A. Our dedicated Technology Education Manager will keep your faculty up to date! Sound too good to be true?  Only a click or call away. Find out more, contact us or call 330.359.1785.

It’s your job to inspire 21st-century learners, but you don’t have to do it alone. Let S3 be your partner in 21st-century education.


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